I guess this post should have been titled "I'm Baaaaa-ck!" since I'm finally publishing after a rather long hiatus.
In the area of things that I CAN control: I'm still working on getting motivated and taking charge of my creative life. Unfortunately, my business, family life and outside obligations run me ragged. But, I did take a wonderful online class in January with Alyson B. Stanfield - who I HIGHLY recommend. She is an Artist's Business Coach and a super teacher, life coach and general cheerleader. I took the "Blast Off" class which is geared to boosting your art career. Wow, talk about motivation! She gives so much insightful information and you really get psyched up! I learned a lot - I just need to start putting it into action!
I made it through the holidays (just barely) by stocking the galleries with what little I had. Now I desperately need to sit down and crank out some jewelry. No time to paint these days. Gotta manage my time more prudently.
Sooo, Watch This Spot, as I promised Alyson that I was going to stay on course and BE MOTIVATED, CREATIVE and to SELF-PROMOTE (She even made me sign a contract with myself!)
Glad to hear you are on the mend and having fun!!!